Want to Earn by Driving Abroad? See How to Get an International Driving Permit

Posted on the 13 June 2023 by Mayankgupta

A license to drive a motorcycle or a car is absolutely necessary in this country. Driving a petrol or diesel powered two wheeler or four wheeler without a license is completely illegal. However, there are also several divisions in terms of licensing. For example, in the case of two-wheelers, one type of license is issued for gearless scooters, while a separate license is issued for geared bikes. Some license variations are also observed for four wheeler models. For example, one type of license is given for private vehicles, but a separate license is required for large commercial vehicles. But if you want to drive a car abroad, can you work with this country’s license?

Some easy steps to get international driving license

A driving license simply means a license to drive a vehicle independently. However, this driving license issued by the Motor Vehicles Department of India is given as a license to drive within the boundaries of the country only. If you want to cross the border of this country to drive the car on foreign soil, but you have to collect its license separately. Also, the driving rules of each country are different. However, the only solution to all these problems is an International Driving Permit, i.e. a license to drive internationally in any country.

Many people have heard about this International Driving Permit but may not have a clear idea about it. For the past few years, the central government has been running the “Digital India” program to digitize all services in India. That is why currently most of the services in our country are available on digital platforms. Even getting an International Driving Permit can be done online.

How to get International Driving Permit in India

To get this International Driving Permit you must first be an Indian citizen and have a valid Indian Driving License with you. If you fall under these two conditions, first you need to fill the 4A application form. However, you can apply directly at your nearest Road Transport Office (RTO) instead. At the time of application, you must clearly state the country in which you intend to travel or work and how long you intend to stay in that country.

Apart from this, submit photocopies of your own driving license, passport, visa, ticket and other necessary documents to the RTO office. These will be useful to verify the validity of your application form. Finally, you have to pay the government fixed fee to get the International Driving Permit. Once all these processes are completed, the much awaited license will appear at your doorstep within the next 5 working days.

However, we advise you to apply for this license with enough time before traveling abroad. This International Driving Permit will be valid for one year from the date of issue of this International Driving Permit or till the date of expiry of your Indian License (whichever is earlier). Subsequently, after this deadline, you can renew the permit by submitting the necessary documents online.