Wang for Spring

By Sandrastanek @Sandrastanek
After 2 days of lying in bed and being ill (not counting the weekend) I finally got up again right in the middle of the week. Since it's already better weather, I am able to wear my favorite clothes more often definitely including my favorite bicolor Wang booties which are just made to be worn in nice autumn or spring days like this one (NOT for the russian weather). My main goal to wear today were the shoes, therefore my whole outfit had to be made to fit the shoes. It's weird but I always start with the shoes because it's the biggest dilemma for me so I found a good way to solve it and therefore to create my outfits the other way round than you 'should' or are used to doing. Well, luckily for me it works this way. Since the spring is coming I really had to wear one of my pattern purchases, which happened to be green for today... perhaps because green reminds me of spring the most. I felt like a hunter in those brown&green things but whatever, I enjoyed wearing it. Finishing the look of with a huge golden necklace and nothing else, I made it more elegant than I thought. Enough of complimenting myself, I'm turing into a really selfish bitch, have a look yourself!

Booties - Alexander Wang Necklace - Vintage Vest - Helmut Lang Shirt & tank top - Zara