I wasn't very enamored with the movie as a whole even if it was slightly amusing at times. But every time I see the concept of "free love" (which, by the way, seems to me to mean "free sex") depicted in movies it just kills me inside. I can't stand seeing these characters buying into it and hurting their spouses/partners. "Free heartache for all" is what I would call it.
But, apart from that I kind of liked the hippie esthetic shown throughout the movie and I was rewarded for sitting through the difficult parts in the very last scene of the movie, where Jennifer and her on-screen husband are back in civilization again. I made my husband make some screen shots of this to show you and also so I could have a reminder myself. The pics are a little bit blurry and you can't see it all here but I just loved the way they have put this room together. You'll have to watch the movie yourself to get all the details, pause and move along one second at a time like I did :)
First, check out this gorgeous, rustic bookshelf! Not to mention the styling of it.
This shelf I think I could pretty easily DIY with some 4x4s for supports and 1x6s or 1x8s for the shelves. I'm almost positive that I'll do it sometime in the future :)
And then for this circular wall art.
In the movie they referred to it as a "God's eye" and it might be but after spending most of the late evening last night and early morning today googling and researching I think it looks more like some kind of curve stitching design or circular string art. Maybe those things are the same to some people? Since I'm not interested in the possible spiritual pedigree it doesn't really matter to me.
While watching the movie you can clearly see it's string and nails on a board and I like how the board contrasts with the string in dark and light blue. It's like another spin on sunbursts :) In another part of the movie they have one hung above the fire place which looked great as well. I would love to make a few of these and add some color in all the right places. I think this could be replicated fairly easily. Without knowing for sure it looks like this is the general pattern they used.
Here's some other examples of string art I found.
I for one like the original colorful circle the best and if you do too here's a place to get simple templates to get you started.
So after watching that movie I'm now filled not with wanderlust so much as crafterlust :) How about you?