Walnut Covered Braids

By Greengirl @GrinGarl
Lately there have been so many things going on. I already told you about my friend Monet and the tragedy her family is going through. She's back in Texas but now her family is facing the decision of unplugging her sister or not since she shows no sings of recovery. Please visit her, if you haven't yet, and send her love, prayers and support. She really needs all of us.

Japan. I'm sure all of us heard and saw on all TV channels and newspapers about the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis that hit Japan. We can only imagine the suffering the people were and are going through losing their loved ones. We already donated to Red Cross immediately after we saw the news and I know lots of us did. Today, our friend Sabrina from The Tomato Tart is hosting an online bake sale for Japan. The sale is going on until tomorrow at 9 am and the bids start at $20. Here's a preview of the baked goodies
Only Bake Sale for Japan - Sneak Peak
Times like these make me rethink twice about the time I spend with my family. Maybe that's why I haven't been blogging over the last two as often as I used to. Lately I took the 5 minutes I had between washing two plates just to hug Tiffany and hubby and tell them how much they mean to me and how lost I'd be without them.
I wanted to write this post last night, but started chatting with my friend Andreea and later with Anca. They are wonderful friends, they manage to make me smile and see the bright side no matter how tired or upset I may be, especially when it comes to Tiffany, who's a slow talker if i can call her so. At almost 17 months she still doesn't talk and sometimes it makes me sad seeing kids her age saying 2-3 or even more words.  I meet Anca two years ago while we were both pregnant. She always has the comforting words since I easily chicken out.
These braids are usually made on March 9th and even tho I made them a while back I always postponed posting them since I'm not that crazy about the photos I took :(

The dough is a sweet and easy to work with. The oil makes it elastic and I think you can use butter or even applesauce instead. It rises quite fast so don't think of squeezing a nap in between :PRight after baking  the braids are brushed with honey and topped with chopped walnuts or your choice of nuts. They go perfect with a glass of cold milk for breakfast. If you want them freshly baked you can leave the dough to rise overnight in the fridge.

To get the recipe for this sweet braids you have to visit my friend Anca's blog
Walnut covered Braids