Walks, Water and Rugby: A Weekend in Photos

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

Somehow another weekend has come around and then flown by. They seem to make that same wooshing noise that the time ahead of deadlines did as they went straight past me. But what can you do but try and enjoy them whilst they last?

This weekend has involved walking, walking, running and some more walking; followed by slumping on the sofa, turning on the rugby (I’m a fan of rugby and the Six Nations, not sure if I’ve mentioned it previously…) and promptly going from shouts of “WHAT!!!!” to tremendous sighs of discontent and back again for the eighty or so minutes of the match. Then rounding it all off with a venison casserole, apple and cinnimon bake and an evening watching the BAFTAs (where I think Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy should have won more, much as I loved The Artist).

I’ve mentioned before that we quite often walk the dog along various sections of the Water of Leith (The Dean Village, for example) and this weekend we took up the trail and went from Slatford up to the village of Colinton.

We also took a wander through Colinton as well and came across the curiously named Spylaw Street and the equally wonderfully named Spylaw House. Now, although my boundless imagination is probably making far more of it than this sleepy suburban street than reality is, I think if there was ever a name to spark intrigue then this must be it.

Sunday was one of those misty days that starts cold and damp and then just doesn’t get much better. Apart from one hour when the sun burnt off the mist and made me regret wearing quite so many layers to walk up (and down) the hill with the dog.

As the mist (red in some people’s/player’s cases) came down again the rugby started. To avoid a large rant I think we’ll just leave it at that. I hope you had an equally action-packed weekend and have something to look forward to in the week ahead.
