Walking on Water – Thinkibility Nibble

By Thinkibility

Can a human really walk on water?

Lizards and smalls animals can run on water. But surely humans can not.

“Surely” and rhetorical questions should be treated like a big stop sign. Usually they are used to make us skip and not think about the idea. It is so obvious that humans cannot walk on water so of course there is no idea in exploring the idea. Yet often the opposite is true.

What solutions can we think of to the problem? And what sort of animals can run on water? What is the trick? Pelagic birds live on the ocean’s surface where they feed on fish and plankton can run  on water.

What solutions can we think of to the problem?

  • Can we increase the size of human’s  feet?
  • Is it better to reduce the size of our feet?
  • Can we run a very short distance?
  • Change our running motion?

I can hear you laughing and that is the intention with the Ig Nobel Price. Research that makes you laugh – then THINK.

This years Ig Nobel Price in physics was awarded to Alberto Minetti, Yuri Ivanenko, Germana Cappellini, Nadia Dominici and Francesco Lacquaniti.  This group tested the idea that there is a gravity value at which humans can run on water. And equipped with diving fins we can run for 10 seconds on lunar gravity.

Running on simulated lunar gravity but surely we cannot run on water here on earth. . .

Alberto E. Minetti, Yuri P. Ivanenko, Germana Cappellini, Nadia Dominici, Francesco Lacquaniti, – See more at: http://www.improbable.com/ig/winners/#sthash.da7V0uc6.dpuf

Photo: “Water Drop Foot Print” by audfriday13