London Walks' guide Kim spotted the following piece in this month's Marie Claire magazine…
Nearly 33,000 men and women answered a physical activity questionnaire as part of a larger European cancer project. Participants were divided by gender, preferred exercise and total time spent exercising each week.
During the 12-year follow-up period a total of 442 strokes occured among men and women.
The results for women who walked for more than three hours a week, published in the medical journal Stroke, translated to a 43 percent reduction in stroke risk compared to the inactive group. There was no reduction of risk seen in men.
Speaking to Reuters Health, lead author José María Huerta of the Murcia Regional Health Authority in Spain said: 'The message for the general population remains similar: regularly engaging in moderate recreational activity is good for your health.'
Each year around 150,000 people suffer strokes in the UK.
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at