If you've been following me on Instagram you'll know that Walkers new "inspired by sandwiches" crisps range is now out in shops, in both Boots and Wh Smiths. There's interesting flavours like Cheese Toastie and Worcester Sauce, Bacon & Tomato Ketchup, Ham & Mustard, Roast Chicken and Mayonnaise and these Cheese, Cucumber and Heinz Salad Cream varieties. I went for these first because I've always loved putting salad cream with just about anything and was curious what it would taste like as a crisp flavouring...combined with cheese and cucumber, this sounded like one of the oddest crisp flavours I've ever heard of!
And to be honest, as odd as it sounds on paper (or screen) these don't taste half bad! The flavor is very light and creamy, and reminded me a little of sour cream and chive, especially since there were little green specks on the crisps which are presumably meant to be cucumber? There's herbs listed in the ingredients so it's not real cucumber, which is probably a blessing.
All in all, despite the odd sounding name I really enjoyed these crisps. They taste nothing like a cucumber sandwich, but then no one really expected them to...right?
Stay tuned for a review of the Ham & Mustard variety...and probably all the others too!
8 out of 10.