Walk of Stars, Broad Street, Birmingham
By Raghavmodi
you know there was a Walk of Stars in Birmingham, UK? It might not be as grand
as the Walk of Fame in the US, but nevertheless this little tribute to the
local artists is something that should be celebrated.
won’t find tourists or locals getting down on their knees to take photos with
the “stars”, but this little initiative from the Broad Street businesses does
pay homage to the various “celebrities”, mostly from the fields of TV, Cinema,
Sports, Music, and other such arts, who have strong linkage to Birmingham or
the surrounding areas, and those who have made prominent contributions to their
respective fields.
first in the series of the stars than can be found along the length of Broad
Street at different locations, was presented to Ozzy Osbourne on 6th
July 2007. Since then there have been 27 more stars that have been added
including influencers like Chris Tarrant, Beverly Knight, Julie Walters, Frank
Skinner, Noddy Holder, Jasper Carrot and the likes.
the stars are placed without any real order and are not marked, it does make
for a nice trip as you walk along Broad Street to try and find your favourite
local artist. On the other hand, without any guide one can miss out on a
number of these. Another reason why the Walk of Stars is not as popular as its
counterparts is that it features local artists and thus overseas tourists might
not be aware of most of them.
the Walk of Stars remains a well appreciated initiative that does make a first
timer stop and look and if they are familiar with the celebrity, maybe even
smile and take a photo of/with the star.