''The best way to make your dreams camp true is to wake up'' -Paul Valery
Yesterday I meet with a friend from Colombia, who is also studying in Barcelona, for shopping and just hanging out, the one thing I hate the most of shopping here is the massive amount of people in the stores, is unbelievable, ok the stores are amazing, huge, magnificent, whatever, but for me its impossible to make some good shopping when you are surrounded for so many people and you have to make a huge line to prove the clothe or to pay. My perfect shopping day would be me, a friend, and all the stores empty just for the tow of us, yeah I'll keep dreaming.The weather here its nuts, its hot, then suddenly its soo fucking cold, then suddenly starts raining and then suddenly stops. I didn't have an umbrella so I had to buy one on the street to some guy for 3euros, half hour later it broke -yeah what more can you expect for 3euros-.Regardless the weather, we had an amazing time in Barcelona, we ended in a bar called Canarias with some friends from France -they were always speaking in french, A MUST! I need to learn french, its beautiful-, they are really nice and cool.