Waitrose White Chocolate with Matcha Tea & Pistachio

By Kev A @kevvieguy

All the posh supermarkets seem to be upping their game in the chocolate stakes recently, we've had a boatload of fancy new snacks from M&S, but now Waitrose have stepped into the ring with some new bars in their own label range. The one I went for was this White Chocolate with Matcha Tea & Pistachio, but there's also another new variety that contains Wafer and Caramel - sadly I couldn't try it as it contains gluten :(

The bar is described as "Roasted Pistachio pieces and green matcha tea in vanilla-rich white chocolate" and cost around £1.60 for an 85g bar. Not bad for posh chocolate!

It's been years since I've had white chocolate flavoured with green tea, so I was a little weary as to how this might turn out. Thankfully, it was very tasty! The pistachios dominate the flavour, bringing a lovely nutty, almost floral edge to the bar, with the green tea bringing a slightly sharper aftertaste. All of this works very well against the creamy white chocolate, which tastes very good quality and is indeed vanilla-rich.
Overall, this is a good quality, tasty and interesting bar from Waitrose, definitely worth a try if you like unusual combinations!
8 out of 10.