Waiting for Winter

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
The last two winters have been brutal, even by Chicago standards. The Polar Vortex pushed people to sell their houses and move some place that doesn't think -20 is a normal winter temperature. We were in Arches National Park last summer when we met two of those people. They were former Chicagoans who moved to Colorado. As the husband noted, he liked Chicago, but, oh, those winters.

I thought about this as I watched the local news a few nights ago. An annual religious pilgrimage to the local Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine was walked in 60 degree weather this year. Last year the same pilgrimage was held with a -6 degree temperature. It was nearly 70 degrees warmer this year.

Warmer than last year has become a common theme this year. Every day has been warmer than normal. We had one, brief accumulating snow. I do not know if we've gone below freezing yet.

I want to say how much I am enjoying this weather, but I have an uneasy feeling about it now. The weather forecasters keep talking about how El Nino will keep our winter warmer than normal. So far they have been right.

Maybe it's some kind of post-winter reaction from the past two brutal winters, but I'm starting to worry that we're being lulled into a false sense of security. I am starting to wonder when winter will show up and how bad it will be when it gets here. Surely we won't go all winter without the brutal cold of the last two years, will we? 

Tonight's weather forecast mentioned a lovely 50 degree temperature for Christmas. The forecaster said that it might be 45, but he really thought it would be warmer. If that's true, it's the best Christmas present Mother Nature has sent in years. We'll take it as her apology for the past few winters.