Waiting for Spring

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
I know I said spring is coming, and it definitely will be here eventually, but it isn't here in Washington yet--hence the sweater and huge warm scarf. However, the scarf was on sale, with the hope of making room for spring clothes, so that's slightly encouraging...right?I can't wait to have bare legs and blonder hair and wear florals, skirts, sandals, pastels, t-shirts, sun dresses...but for now, I'll settle for deep reds & geometric prints, I suppose. If I must. Washington spring, vous commencez! (s'il vous plait)
pants: Urban Outfitters, sweater & necklace: Forever 21, scarf: FM, boots: Charlotte Russe

ps: I featured this outfit on my column "intern style" for the you are project! see it here.