Wagging the Watchdogs Tail

Posted on the 29 September 2012 by Flip

AS a former reporter myself, I’m more than a little worried at the current state of the so called “free world’s” press and the vice like grip of corporate dictators over editorial policy…

I came into journalism growing up on the back of the inspirational journalists from the Times Insight Team, Woodward and Bernstein – true hardcore investigative journalism uncovering injustices, corruption and holding those in power to account. Real watchdogs who’s tails were wagged by no one – just the truth. I remember watching All the Presidents Men and deciding there and then that’s what I was going to do. Hard hitting programmes like World in Action, documentaries by John Pilger, reporters like Paul Foot were my shining beacons…

In the last two weeks alone two prominent journalists from two of the biggest most trusted and revered news institutions in the world – CNN and the New York Times, have publicly whistle blown the myth of freedom of speech and of course journalistic integrity…

Daniel Simpson quit the Times in dismay at the blatant jingoism and pro war narrative of the once great newspaper. He said recently:

I was young, niave and idealistic and believed I was there to hold people in power to account. Rather from 2002 the New York Times was doing exactly what those in power wanted them to do – printing fake intelligence to start the war in Iraq…

It will come as little surprise the publishing dynasty of the newspaper group has strong ties to both the Bilderberg Group and The Council on Foreign Relations ( there’s also a European version). Many now truly believe these shadowy groups made up of world leaders, politicians, billionaires and major players from the media, are indeed the real rulers of the earth (or at least in their minds). It’s a recognised fact the Euro and of course the European Union was devised nurtured and brought into being by these groups of unelected conspirators who are now sitting back as Europe burns ready for a blatant sovereignty steal and land grab – Hitler (who was part funded by the globalists such as big Daddy Prescott Bush) must be so proud…

But I digress…

Amber Lyon

Now we have multiple award winning CNN journalist Amber Lyon sacked from her post (they say for financial reasons which I’ll come to in a minute), after she became aware of the “spiking” of her news reports on the true people’s revolution of Bahrain…

She witnessed systematic torture, abuse and murder of peaceful protesters and journalists and was herself “detained” by the tyrannical regime. Unbelievably and whilst being forcibly held, CNN International were reporting live from the country and showing it to be an idyllic wonderland!!! To defend this CNN say the report in question was “sponsored content” – in other words the “government” of Bahrain paid for a rose coloured glasses view of their country and it was aired as if a news story. It beggars belief…

On her return she tried desperately to use the smuggled out films but after one airing it was removed from all of the CNN networks and NEVER shown on CNN International…

…I saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.

It goes without saying the US backed Bahrain regime is of supreme importance to the warmongers in the Middle East. Let’s face it without the massive US naval base on the shores of the Straits of Hormuz – the giant and frightening game of real world “Risk” taking place at the moment would be a none starter…

To break it down even simpler ~ Saddam, Gaddaffi and now Ahmadinejadare are bad because they murder, torture and detain their own people and refuse democracy – yet Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa is good because although he does the exact same thing, he has a pretty nice US base that’s handy for “naval exercises”. Do you see how and why they do it yet..?

Would it surprise you if I said the “high ups” from CNN’s “owners” Time Warner were also members of both the The Council for Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg’s. Of course not, by now you’ll almost come to expect that all roads from politics, economics and media lead ever upwards through the mind blowing myriad of pryamidical organizations, groups, lobbyists and charitable trusts to the shadowy group of elite bankers who are the puppet masters of the world we live in…

But that’s OK because we have our hard hitting journalists to uncover the truths and do what they’re paid to do – be the watchdogs of a free society. See what they’re doing yet..?

UK Media Killing Itself

Here in the UK is no different. I think it’s an absolute right for instance that in this day and age we should know what our Queen thinks about the world. So how come the BBC gave a grovelling apology to “her majesty” after security correspondent Frank Gardner reported she was concerned about the activities of Abu Hamza ? Surely as her “subjects” we have a right to know what the hell she thinks. Alas that’s a big no – apparently only on her terms and of course when the Royal Family need the media to feed us what they want us to lap up…

How many times have you said or heard the phrase ” I never believe what I read in the papers ~ it’s all made up..” I bet countless times. Yet you still carry on buying the red tops to catch up on the latest banal celebrity gossip or the sports. Never mind if the editorial columns – the guest columnists and the sometimes disgusting headlines are there in plain sight nudging you towards what the government want you to believe. Of course some of the broadsheets and newspapers like the Independent might occasionally question – but that’s rarer than hen’s teeth these days and it’s certainly controlled as to just how much we are allowed to be told…

Take the sudden reluctance for the mainstream media to investigate the murder of the al Hillis family ~ D Notice anyone..?

Death of Proper Investigative Journalism

The Levenson Inquiry looking at the state of the media today with it’s murky use of phone hacking, the cosiness of the press and police, the power of media moguls will do more for killing off real investigative journalism than anything before it. Do you really think the concept of “I never believe what I read in the papers anyway” is in the British public’s minds by accident..?

When you get a media monopoly those at the top ~ particularly those who claim to be newspapermen through and through ~ control the editorial policy. In other words they and they alone control what is in the newspaper or news programmes (note the word programme read brainwash lol), how it’s written, what the angle of the story is and of course what political party they and therefore their readers/viewers should align too. Yes I’m talking Murdoch here and yup you guessed it he’s a leading player in Bilderberg. You couldn’t make it up…

You see if you “dumb down” real news and reporting with paparazzi pap and fake celebrity tittle tattle and stuff your pages with no names appearing on X Factor, the public take their eye off the real issues and concentrate on the trivia. Plant a few malicious and unfounded – OK made up stories – openly admit your mistakes (hidden at the bottom of page 7) and pay them off, and pretty soon the public buys your newspaper but believes nothing…

In a nutshell the green light was given by those in power to implode real journalism and therefore let the press destroy itself. Those in control of the newspapers allowed and positively encouraged the dark arts of phone tapping, smears and spin in the full knowledge what the end result would be. Newspapers in particular are now nothing short of political softcore comics dumbed down and a disgrace. Take the time to watch John Pilger’s “Breaking the Mirror – The Murdoch Effect” ~ it almost made me cry…

It’s a Coup d’état of the truth and journalism as we know it. It’s little wonder real truth seekers are now turning in their droves towards alternative media and the amazing work done by so called citizen journalists around the world. In real terms in the past year daily newspaper sales in the UK fell by a staggering 6.75%. This led to media “elitists” like The Guardian’s David Leigh calling for a broadband tax to help prop up worthy tomes such as his!!! Unbelievable audacity!!!

My partner recently said on Facebook that I wake in the morning and seek out “weird documentaries” and stories to back up my theories. That’s kind of half true – what I really do is look at what the BBC, Sky News, CNN etc etc are saying and then dig deeper. It’s amazing what you find once you peep behind the curtain of what you are told is your world view. I recommend you try it…

David Icke on Media manipulation

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