Wabash, Indiana: Jack in the Box Children’s Consignment Shop Images

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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A return trip to Wabash, Indiana was in order after I heard about Jack in the Box–the largest children’s consignment shop in the state of Indiana!

In case you are wondering…yes, Jack in the Box totally beats out every corporate children’s resale shop I’ve ever seen. The place is humongous.

There’s not only stuff for little, little ones (you know, all the baby items you could ever need) but there’s a lot of big kid stuff, too! I was surprised to see soccer cleats that looked brand new–and loads of other sport-related shoes hanging out  as well.

Wabash, Indiana Jack in the Box Children’s Consignment Images

Wabash, Indiana:Jack in the Box Children's Consignment

Wabash, Indiana:Jack in the Box Children's Consignment

Wabash, Indiana:Jack in the Box Children's Consignment

Wabash, Indiana:Jack in the Box Children's Consignment

Wabash, Indiana:Jack in the Box Children's Consignment

For Jack in the Box images and other pictures in Wabash, Indiana on my Flickr photostream.

Jack in the Box
122 Hale Drive
Wabash, Indiana 46992

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