VP, PSA, CSA: SFI and Alphabet Soup SFI is Like Alphabet ...

Posted on the 07 February 2014 by Zirshylock
VP, PSA, CSA: SFI and Alphabet Soup
SFI is like alphabet soup. If you aren't confused the minute you step foot on the site, then you are WAY smarter than me! Here is a list of some of the most common acronyms you will come across, and what they mean.
SFI (Strong Future International) - This is the name of the company.
TC (TripleClicks) - This is the e-commerce marketplace you will be promoting.
VP (Versapoints) - These are the points you earn for various activities on the SFI page. You also earn VP for purchases at TripleClicks.

PSA (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) - These are the first level of your downline. They are the people you personally recruit. You can also purchase PSAs at TripleClicks or get them through the S-Builder Co-op. They've recently added penny auctions for groups of PSAs. In my experience, though, people you personally recruit are more likely to be active than those purchased.
CSA (Co-Sponsored Affiliates) - Everyone has a Sponsor and a Co-Sponsor. You can purchase CSAs through the PriceBender penny auctions or earn them by being an EA2 or higher every month. You can also win them in the Daily Grand contest and the E365 drawings every day. If you do not earn your EA status by the end of the month, you will lose all your CSAs. CSAs can be very valuable, so it is important to keep your EA status every month. (More on that later.)
EA / EA2 (Executive Affiliate) - This is the title you are given when you have 1500-2999 VP points for the month. Being an EA gives you more benefits. If you do not get (minimum) EA status by the end of the month, you will lose all your CSAs. The first month you attain Executive status, you are an EA. After the first month, you will be an EA2.
E365 - (Entrepreneur Challenge) - This is a VP point contest that everyone is entered in when they sign up. You are competing against everyone else who started on the same day as you. The contest goes for a year, and whoever is at the top at the end of the year wins bragging rights and a cool plaque. There are also drawings and prizes along the way. It's nice to gauge your progress against people who started the same time you did.BTL (Bronze Team Leader) - When you become a Team Leader (3000-3999 VP), you earn commission on the VP  six levels of your downline earns (and your CSAs). You also earn free TCredits and CSAs the next month. This commission is what will explode your earnings in the long run.STL (Silver Team Leader)When you become a Team Leader (4000-4999 VP), you earn commission on the VP  eight levels of your downline earns (and your CSAs). You also earn free TCredits and CSAs the next month. This commission is what will explode your earnings in the long run.GTL (Silver Team Leader)When you become a Team Leader (5000-5999 VP), you earn commission on the VP  ten levels of your downline earns (and your CSAs). You also earn free TCredits and CSAs the next month.This commission is what will explode your earnings in the long run.PTL (Platinum Team Leader)When you become a Team Leader (6000+ VP), you earn commission on the VP  twelve levels of your downline earns (and your CSAs). You also earn free TCredits and CSAs the next month.This commission is what will explode your earnings in the long run.

A2A (Affiliate-to-Affiliate) - This is an affiliate network. Everyone joins - it just lets other people message you, and gives you an opportunity to network with other people to brainstorm, share tips and ideas, and find local SFIers.
SO (Standing Order) - A standing order is an order you subscribe to every month. You can create, add to, modify or cancel your SO any time you want to. Once you have an established downline, it is a good idea to set up an SO so you will automatically earn your VP points for the month. A lot of the most serious entrepreneurs sign up for IAHBE (see below).IAHBE (International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs) - This is an external website for home business entrepreneurs, and has a lot of information to teach you how to create a successful home business. If you set up an SO for this, you earn 1500 VP every month, so you are guaranteed Executive status.PB (PriceBenders) - These are the penny auctions on TripleClicks.
ECA - (E-Commerce Associates) - These are individual businesses on TripleClicks. If you recruit ECAs, you will receive a commission from everything they sell.
Triple Clicks Commissions:
CV (Commission Volume) - This is the total amount of commission from a particular product. It is split three ways:
DC (Direct Commission) - You earn 45% of CV from all of your PSAs.
CSC (Co-Sponsor Commission) - You earn 15% of CV from all your CSAs.
EP (Executive Pool) - The rest of the CV goes into a pool that is paid out based on the VP you have earned (and any matching VP from your downline, if you are a Team Leader).This should cover most of what you run across at first, and help you understand a little better what they're talking about.  If there is anything you come across and can't figure out, just ask me and I will add it. :D