Voters Opt For Protecting Lives Over Protecting Economy

Posted on the 22 April 2020 by Jobsanger

The chart above is from the Politico / Morning Consult Poll -- done between April 10th and 12th of a nationwide sample of 1,990 registered voters, with a 2 point margin of error.
Donald Trump wants to reopen the economy. He has even praised the protesters in several states to try and pressure state governors to do that. And some Republican governors are doing what he wants. Governors in several states are allowing businesses to reopen. And some Republican officials and other right-wingers have even gone so far as to say reopening the economy is more important that the lives of Americans. They are willing to sacrifice thousands of Americans so their rich buddies can protect and increase their wealth.
That is not the feeling of most American voters though. About 64% say the public health impact of Coronavirus is more important than the economic impact (on stock market and unemployment). About 75% say it's more important for the government to address the Coronavirus spread than the economy. And about 81% say Americans should continue social distancing even if it means continued damage to the economy.
The Republicans are playing a dangerous political game. They think reopening the economy will help them win in November. This poll shows the opposite may be true. If they are seen as putting money over the lives of the people, they will lose more votes than they gain in November. And that's what it is looking like right now.