Voters Disapprove of De Blasio’s Handling of Just About Everything

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

And yet, I will not be surprised if they re-elect him.

NY Post: A blistering poll released Friday found voters disapprove of just about everything Mayor de Blasio is doing to improve the quality of life in New York City.

In question after question on the Quinnipiac University survey, the mayor’s constituents said he isn’t getting the job done on reducing homelessness, tackling poverty and overseeing the NYPD. To underscore their dissatisfaction with his administration, voters also said they also disagreed with how the mayor has handled charter schools and carriage horses.

A majority — 53 percent — said the quality of life here is getting worse. Only 14 percent said it’s getting better. Sixty-one percent of voters gave Hizzoner a thumbs down on his handling of poverty and homelessness, while 28 percent approved. By a 59-to-32 percent margin, they objected to how he’s battling crime. Voters made it clear it was the mayor who was the target of their ire, not the cops or the man who leads them.

In contrast to de Blasio, Police Commissioner Bratton received a positive grade. Fifty-seven percent of voters said they approved of his job performance and only 35 percent disapproved.

On some issues, even black voters who form the mayor’s political base said things are getting worse. Sixty percent of New Yorkers overall said they’re seeing more homeless people on the streets, in the parks and in the subways. A majority of black voters were in that group.

Sixty-one percent of all voters supported the NYPD’s “broken windows” policy of giving summonses for low-level crimes such as drinking in public. So did 49 percent of blacks voters and 58 percent of Hispanic voters.

“From the beginning, Mayor Bill de Blasio has promised to reduce homelessness. His comments about income inequality have been eloquent,” said pollster Maurice Carroll. “But on deeds — not words — New Yorkers give him negative marks.”

Voters of every racial and ethnic group by a better than 2-to-1 margin called on the mayor to lay off Central Park’s carriage horses.

And 43 percent said the number of charter schools — which have had to fight de Blasio for space — should be increased, while 30% suggested keeping the number flat and 19 percent urged a fewer number.

The sobering figures were released a day after de Blasio kicked off his 2017 re-election campaign with a fund-raiser at the Sheraton Times Square that aides said pulled in $1 million.

Remember New Yorkers: