Vote Now! Ripple Music Nominated for Several Year End "Best of Independent Music Awards"

Posted on the 12 December 2013 by Ripplemusic

Hey waveriders,
If you're digging what we do at Ripple, then please do us a favor.  Ripple Music (our record label) has been nominated by TBFM -- heavy rock radio in UK.-- for several Best of Industry Awards.
Ripple Music had been nominated for Best Independent Record Label, and two Ripple Music bands, Trucker Diablo and Mothership have been nominated as Artist of the Year and Albums of the Year.  Trucker also got a nod for "Drive" as Song of the Year.
So, please pop over to the link below and vote for us.

TBFM End Of Year Awards

We have our end of year awards show on 29th December 2013 live on air (5-7pm UK time). There is still time to get votes in as the voting closes on 26th December at 6pm UK time. So check out and support the bands and companies on the shortlist.