Vote for Your Favorite Crisis Actor in Our First Annual Psy-Op Awards!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

To those who claim to be “offended”, the following is intended for satirical purposes only.

Springtime is award season time, so join us by voting in Fellowship of the Minds’s First Annual Psy-Op Awards! Celebrating the False, the Fraudulent, and the downright F***ed Up!

Best/Worst Performance by a Crisis Actor at a staged event!

The nominees are:

1) Robbie Parker at Sandy Hook
2) Cowboy Man at the Boston Marathon
3) Gene Rosen at Sandy Hook
4) Jeff Bauman at the Boston Marathon
5) Woman in red at the Boston Marathon
6) Black lady on a stretcher at the Boston Marathon

Best/Worst Performance by a Hypocrite Celebrity!

The nominees are:

1) Liam Neeson on guns
2) Leonardo Di Caprio on global warming
3) Matt Damon on both guns and global warming
4) Gwyneth Paltrow every time she opens her mouth

Best/Worst Television Show made by Useful Idiots for Useful Idiots! (Someone has to indoctrinate the masses!)

The nominees are:

1) Modern Family
2) Two and a Half Men
3) Ellen
4) Any show with a Kardashian in it
5) Any show made by Disney

Best/Worst Performance by a He pretending to be a She! (Though they labor long and hard to suppress it, inside every tranny lies the truth, just waiting to burst forth!)

The nominees are:

1) Bradley Manning
2) Michael Obama

Best/Worst Performance by a lesbian, Muslim-Brotherhood spy!

The nominees are:

1) Huma Abedin

Best/Worst Performance by a celebrity appearing to be satanically possessed!

The nominees are:

1) Beyonce at the Super Bowl

Best/Worst Creation of an entity that’s entirely fake!

The nominees are:

1) Adam Lanza
2) Beyonce’s pregnancy
3) aka Obama’s birth certificate

Is there a baby in there?

Best/Worst Performance by a fraud pretending to cry!

The nominees are:

1) Robbie Parker at Sandy Hook
2) Gene Rosen at Sandy Hook
3) aka Obama at the Sandy Hook press conference

Who are you trying to kid?

Best/Worst Performance by Mindless Sheeple, marching off to their own slaughter!

The nominees are:

1) The circling crowd at Sandy Hook
2) The crowds shouting, “USA! USA!” while armed troops walked the street of Boston.
3) The protesters and rioters in Ferguson, Missouri
4) The American people at every false flag event

Special Lifetime Achievement Award for a career filled with Lies, Fraud, and Deception!

The nominees are:

1) aka Obama
2) Hillary Clinton