Vote For Eric: March Man-ness 2012

Posted on the 04 March 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Eric Northman is listed in Wetpaint Entertainment’s annual March Man-ness Tournament!

They’ve again taken on the very difficult task of rounding up the hottest men on TV, and now it’s up to you to help Eric Northman take home the crown!

This is how it works: Each week, dashing dudes will face off against equally as dashing dudes, and they’ll need your votes to move up to the next round. The last (very sexy) man standing will be awarded the title of Sexiest Guy on TV on Monday, April 2, which means you’ve got a full month of voting ahead of you!

Right now, Eric Northman is in the first round, and up against Max Greenfield from New Girl!

This is what they said about them:

Both True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard (Eric Northman) and New Girl’s Max Greenfield (Schmidt) get a little hotter every time we see them. We’ve spent four seasons (so far!) falling in love with Alexander as a bad-boy vamp, and now have plenty of movie roles to eagerly anticipate. Max is a relative newcomer to the hot-guy scene, but he seems like the perfect mix of goofy and hunky.

We would love to see Eric move on to the next round! You know what to do…

Cast your votes here!

But WAIT! Damon Salvatore is in one of the other polls…it would be nice to see him NOT make it on to the next round too! Cast your vote for the “other guy” here! We know Damon has a good chance of winning, that’s why we’re helping the “other guy” win!

Thanks Eric & Sookie Lovers!