Volvo Club Day

Posted on the 09 February 2013 by Gardenamateur
I always remember one scene in 'The Simpsons' where Lisa Simpson is flicking through a teen girl's magazine called 'Non-Threatening Boys' and that's very similar to how I feel about Volvos: they're good, reliable, safe, non-threatening cars. I've never driven one but I have ridden in them, and they seem to me to be like Swedish Peugeots, which is a compliment. And so in my diecast collection I've made room for just a few Volvos: these two.

I've called this diorama 'Volvo Club Day', as I imagined the Volvo Car Club
organising a run up into the mountains in autumn, to lunch at a winery. Fans
of Scandinavian police dramas might see a familiar face or two here

This 1:43 scale model of the Volvo P1800 is by Minichamps.

Also made by Minichamps is this 121 Amazon Volvo.

I often think of these old Volvos because there's a guy in my local area who has a number of them, and he keeps them out on the street, not garaged. And I see him driving them around the place regularly. He has a P1800, but his 121 is the station wagon version. It's great to see historic old cars like this still giving good service.
In fact if you want longevity in a car, a Volvo is probably the best bet. The current holder of the world record for the road car with the most miles on the clock is a Volvo P1800 owned by an American guy, Irvin Gordon, who is getting close to three million miles in his car. So, to finish off, watch Irvin and his P1800 show how it's done.