Volunteers Needed: Flag Day for Animal Lovers League

By Chaayen
Remember my last post on volunteerism, for any of you who love animals, Animal Lovers League (ALL) are desperately in need of volunteers to raise awareness for their flag day on 30 Oct 16.For those of you who are unfamiliar, Animal Lovers League is a non-profit and no-kill animal shelter. Located at 61 Pasir Ris Farmway 3, this shelter is a place to call home for more than 700 cats and dogs who were either abandoned, or strays that were once abused.At Animal Lovers League, these animals are assured that with a shelter, meals and much love for the volunteers as they live out for the rest of their lives. Nonetheless, each animal still hope they can one day find that special owner and be taken in by an accepting family. Sadly like most shelters, Animal Lovers League faces financial debts. Most of the aging dogs or rescues often face health issues that require urgent and immediate medical attention. Their monthly rental amounts up to S$22,000.00, and they owe their veterinary clinic more than S$30,000.00.Animal Lovers League relies solely on donations to defray their expenses. On 30 October 2016, we will be having their very first flag day. The supplies have been generously sponsored by Floral Garage Singapore and their new subsidiary, Christmas Tree Singapore. However, we are still very lacking of volunteers. If you would be keen to do some good, you may register your interest here!Every individual counts. You can know more about Animal Lovers League at their Facebook Page. To to be convinced on the merits of adopting if you are planning to get a pet, read this page.** All my photos are taken from Animal Lovers League's Facebook Page.