Visit with Papa

By Blondie @heyblondieblog
This is my daddy! He is one handsome man and I am so proud to be his daughter! I get my stubbornness straight from him which he gets from his momma. We call it a Davidson trait since all of his brothers and sisters and then all of us grandkids have a streak of stubborn. Guess my kids get it honest, as they say in them there parts. Ha! I do also get my big heart and strong work ethic from my daddy. He taught us girls that you have to work hard and nothing is free. I am so thankful for that!
No matter how old I get I will always be a daddy's girl!
Dagwood got a new car this weekend and daddy met us in Anniston. They did a trade of sorts. We don't get to see him that often so any trip is fun. Here are a few pics of the kids with Papa!

I love this one even though is not as clear as I'd like

Loves her Papa!

fun with photo-editing

Me: "Hey buddy. Whatcha doing?"
OM: "No Mommy! I am not a buddy!"

more photo-editing fun.
Isn't she gorgeous?!

sweet hugs

Can't we go home with you?

Giving Papa her birthday wishes.

We love you, Papa/Daddy!