
By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas


“a vivid mental image, especially a fanciful one of the future”

We all have vision in some way, shape or form…a view inside our minds of how we want the future to look. We can’t predict the future, but we CAN envision it. Many times our vision can get cloudy. We forget WHY we are doing something or where we want to go. We get distracted by the many things in life pulling us in different directions. Sometimes we aren’t quite sure where we want to go…and we really need to sit down and think about what it is that we want or how it is that we can get there.

This is an exercise that a year ago I would have laughed at if someone told me I should do it. I didn’t really understand the value in it, thought it was a little bit silly, and even a waste of my precious time.  But I have come to appreciate the value in SEEING my vision and putting it down on paper (or on electronic paper in this case…although I do recommend printing it out and putting it where you can see it each day!) By having a physical copy of my vision there is no chance I will forget those goals I have set for myself…no way that I can get lost in the shuffle of the day to day and let my vision get left behind in the fog.

At first it was scary mapping out this vision…even writing this now, I am scared to hit the publish button. Who the hell do I think I am to achieve this? Will people think I’m crazy? Will they laugh at me? Will they think there is no way she will be able to do that in a year? WHAT IF I FAIL????

But the more I think about it…it doesn’t matter what other people think. This is my journey and my life, and I only have one…so why not DREAM BIG and make the most of each moment. And while I will work my tush off to achieve this vision…so what if I don’t quite get there this year? It’s all about the journey and growing as a person at the end of the day right?

So…here goes…(deep breath)…my VISION BOARD for 2016.

May you set out to reach YOUR full potential this year, and may your vision become your reality. Believe in yourself and believe that anything is possible. That’s my motto for this year, and I’m stickin’ to it! ;-)

