Virtually Ride Shotgun with GPS Vehicle Tracking Software

Posted on the 15 January 2014 by Gpsinsight1 @gpsinsight

Surely you wish there was as way for you to ride shotgun with your employees throughout the day to ensure they are being as productive as possible, driving safely, and using your vehicles as they should be. But of course, no fleet manager can physically do that, even if you could find the time. This is where GPS vehicle tracking software comes into play.

Although you can’t physically be there, you can virtually ride shotgun with GPS vehicle tracking software to accomplish the same goals. Just like sales managers review calls with their salespeople to manage their effectiveness and efficiency, you can manage your mobile workers just as well, if not better, with GPS fleet tracking software.

Improve Productivity with GPS Vehicle Tracking

GPS tracking software will allow you to view your entire fleet in real-time. This means you can see what any of your vehicles/drivers are doing at any given minute. You and your team will know when a driver is in route to a customer location, when and where the driver stops, and for how long, etc.

GPS Vehicle Tracking Software

You and your management team will also know information like how long it takes to arrive to customer locations, how long an average job takes to complete, length of breaks, and so much more to ensure that your employees are as productive as possible throughout the day. This improvement in productivity typically means you can serve more customers.

Their improved productivity puts more money in the company’s pocket and can also decrease wasted labor hours.

Improve Driver Behavior on the Road

Your employees are essentially your advertisements on the road. Using GPS vehicle tracking software will make it seem as though you are sitting next to them in the vehicle saying “slow down!” You can monitor and correct poor behaviors such as speeding, harsh braking, rapid acceleration, unauthorized vehicle usage, and drive time to make sure your employees are keeping your brand strong day after day.

Example Speeding Alert

You and your drivers will receive alerts that will notify you of these exceptions as they are happening. This is very effective when sent to drivers as a reminder that they are doing something unsafe or unauthorized.

Now that you know you can ride shotgun with your employees on a daily basis without it taking up all of your time, try it out to find how much you can improve productivity and driver behavior.

Contact us for more information.