Virtual Decluttering

By Sue15cat

I sort of got temporarily waylaid with my actual decluttering.  Our house is about a third Marie Kondo-ed, the rest is pretty tidy but it's not had it's final tidy by any means.
To give myself a break I've been busy on the computer. where I discovered saved emails from 2010 still cluttering up my virtual folders and decided I would be ruthless and zap them to wherever they go when they are deleted. 

First I went through the folders deleting things in them, moving some things I needed to more generic folders ... it really helps you be ruthless if you imagine them looking like this and for every one you delete imagine it being a sheet of paper taken off the shelf and thrown on the fire, and then I deleted the empty folders, until the list on the side was half as long as it had been.
Checking through some a little bit more carefully in case they held passwords that I might need to keep or registration details from things I've bought.  But in an hour of reading and zapping I've managed to streamline my email folders by half, delete lots of really obsolete things, I mean did I really need to keep receipts from orders from Approved Foods from when I first discovered them back in 2011 ... I don't think so!!
After deleting from all the folders, I realised everything had gone into 'Trash' so I've deleted it all from there too, that led me to 'Empty the Recycle Folder' so now that is clear.  I really don't know if all this will have any effect on the computer, but it has had an effect on me.
I find it a little bit strange that getting rid of things that I can't actually touch has made me feel clearer and lighter but it has.  There are still a few things to clear but I'm well on my way and it's been a nice change from clearing out cupboards and sorting through actual things.
Sue xx