Virtual Cocktail Hour: Confessions

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Well, it’s Friday afternoon and that can only mean one thing around here: wine time.

{Who am I kidding? As if it has to be Friday to be wine time}

Come join me. I’ll wait. Go get your wine (or beer or straight shot of whiskey). Done? Let’s move on.

If we were having a glass of wine I would tell you that I just got back from the doctor. For the past couple of weeks I’ve felt like I have a piece of steak or a huge loogy stuck in my throat. It is the most annoying thing. It doesn’t move. Doctor prescribed Prilosec and said maybe I have “silent reflux.”  Silent bitchy loogy reflux.

If were were having a glass of wine tonight I would tell you that I have gotten so many emails lately from runners who are injured. When runners are injured they panic and they want some one who has been through it to tell them they will run again. I can’t say for one thousand percent sure, but if you are injured now, know you will most likely run again. And, know that you are not ALONE!! Then go read THIS. I promise it will help.

If we were having a glass of wine right now I would tell you that I need a race goal. With the exception of my ultra relay in September I have nothing on my calendar. This is weird and unacceptable to me. I love races. I love goals. Maybe after a couple more glasses of wine I will start registering for everything because that is what runners who drink do. Upcoming tomorrow: I’m doing my first 200 mile run.  *burp*

If we have had at least three glasses of wine I would tell you I trusted a fart today. And, it was not trustworthy. Not one bit.

If we were having a glass or five of wine tonight I would tell you that I have made two incredible veggie meals this week. I think I told you my 14 year old became a vegetarian last summer. It has been somewhat of a pain in the ass. But we are finding things we all love. First, I made these black bean burgers from the Pioneer Woman. Ah-maz-ing. But, if you make them, the recipe makes more like 6 burgers, not four. Then, last night I made caprese paninis. Fresh mozzarella and tomatoes on a soft roll slathered with pesto then pressed on the panini maker. If you don’t have a panini maker, you need one in your life (Mother’s Day?). We use it all the time. I have this one.

If we were having a gallon of wine I would tell you I just read this book.  It’s written by a health and food blogger, Andie Mitchell ( I liked it for its honesty. I also think it would be a great book for anyone who has struggled with food obsession, emotional eating and weight gain/loss. Andie now has what I consider to be a very healthy attitude about food – viewing it as fuel and something to enjoy, not to abuse.

It’s been nice drinking/chatting with you. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you kick ass moms out there. Cheers!

What would you tell me if we were having a glass of wine?

Last good book you read?

When was the last time you were injured? About two years ago, fingers crossed.

Any new recipes to share?