Vipp12 Suction Hook

Posted on the 10 April 2013 by Manofmany @manofmanytastes

If you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance you’re a lot like me. Living in a rental property because you can’t afford to buy. Instead of saving up for that aspirational white picket fence, you spend most of your dough on random stuff that you see on websites like Man of Many.

One of many downsides to this rental apartment lifestyle, is the fact that landlords tend to object to tenants drilling holes in their walls. But how is one supposed to install hooks for hanging your hangables such as keys, coats or lanyards (and if you were wondering, the answer is no, that polyester lanyard you got from the team building exercise isn’t a cool accessory)? Alas the Vipp12 Suction Hook.

Made from rubber and stainless steel, the Vipp12 requires no holes as it mounts onto plain surfaces using suction alone. Everyone likes a good bit of suction, right? (Apologies for the terrible joke, it was in bad taste.)

Check it out