Violet-eat It Now

By Harini
This post is part of the Chennai Bloggers Club's CBC VIBGYOR BLOG TAG where some of us will write a post on the colours of VIBGYOR each day starting 1st of Sepetember to the 7th of September.The color theme for today's post is violet
Ever since I started blogging,I have joined some amazing groups and got in touch with many wonderful people.The chennai bloggers club is one such group,it is a very lively group with amazing bloggers in and around Chennai (City in South India).Susan from this group came up with this brilliant idea of VIBGYOR blog tag and a bunch of us are here to write a post every day for each color.It goes without saying that being food blogger I will be writing the health benefits of each coloured food and an interesting recipe using an ingredient of the same color.
Source-Internet Before we get into the health benefits here are few words about the color violet Violet is the blend of blue and purple and it is often associated with things that are royal.Violet also stands for dignity,spiritual attainment and extravagance. Here are few benefits of including violet color in your dietStabilizes hormonal activity,metabolism,helps in maintaining proper appetite.Violet color foods contain essential fatty acids,they are power house of antioxidants and well known for fighting cancer.When we talk about a particular violet colored food  egg plant is the one that flashes in mind.Egg plant which is commonly known as brinjal in India and aubergine in France is very humble yet popular vegetable.Health benefits of eating egg plant1.Rich in anti oxidants2.Helps in healthy aging3.Supports proper digestion4.Helps in absorption of the nutrients.5.Lowers the cholesterol level6.Reduces the risk of stroke 7.Helps in improving memoryWith all these said lets start including violet foods a little more in our diet and here is a tasty and healthy egg plant (brinjal) rice for you all to try.Vangi bath