Violence Breeds Violence

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
While many Haredim (some are calling them extremists from the various extreme communities) have spent the later part of the day flocking to Meron, despite the closure and the danger of missiles from Hezbollah, the police have been trying to keep them off. Some incidents of violence have been reported. Despite the danger and the breaking of the rules, I don't think violence like this is warranted - a Magav soldier shoving an elderly man who does not seem to be violent or a threat to the ground. The elderly man needed to be taken tot he hospital to have his wounds treated.

מה החרדי המבוגר הזה כבר עשה לשוטר שהחליט לדחוף אותו לעבר האספלט כאילו הוא מחבל הנוחבה???
חרפה שאין כדוגמתה!

— Yaniv Turgeman (@YanivTurgi) May 26, 2024

People are shocked and wondering how this can happen.
Violence breeds more violence. The police and Magav in Israel were always overly violent to begin with. Now they have a Minister in charge of them who encourages them to be even more violent than they were in many situations, and the violence just breeds more violence. They cant turn it on and off at a whim. 
The violent tendencies of the police need to be rooted out. You cant pick out one incident and judge it. They arent violent in a vacuum.
Yes, the police have a lot to deal with. Protestors, people who think the law doesn't apply to them, terrorism, danger. Today they were forced to be present in one of the most dangerous spots in Israel because some people think the law doesnt apply to them and maybe they were frustrated at the situation and at the people. None of that is a good recipe for calm enforcement, but with violence too often encouraged, the chances for explosive situations increases tenfold.. 
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