Vintage Wedding Ideas from Manchester Art Gallery

By Claire

Vin­tage wed­ding ideas shoot from Manchester

Vin­tage wed­ding table plan and accessories

The ‘Man­ches­ter Vin­tage Col­lec­tive’ styled and shot four dif­fer­ent eras — 1920s through to 1950s — cap­tur­ing the essence of each period through the flow­ers, styling, sta­tionery, acces­sories, bridal wear etc. This is the 1940s part of the shoot, and I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing the other eras — 1920s through to 1950s — on other wed­ding blogs!

More from the Man­ches­ter Vin­tage Collective:

Dia­mond Jubilee wed­ding ideas on Love My Dress Blog

Wed­ding sup­plier infor­ma­tion: The Man­ches­ter Vin­tage Collective

Man­ches­ter Vin­tage Col­lec­tive are a group of small and grow­ing busi­nesses who are pas­sion­ate about all things vintage.

To show our love, we have joined our tal­ents and resources to cre­ate a col­lab­o­ra­tive photo shoot. The shoot was coor­di­nated by Amedea of Foley Pho­tog­ra­phy and with the help of Man­ches­ter Art Gallery pro­vid­ing a stun­ning venue.

The result is a set of truly exquis­ite images from the day. It’s the per­fect show­case for a happy cou­ple plan­ning their big day inspired by the 1920s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

The Man­ches­ter Vin­tage Col­lec­tive will con­tinue to work together on more wed­ding and vin­tage related events to cre­ate, inspire and ful­fil every bride and groom’s per­fect day desires.