Vintage Plaid and a Flower Crown

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

I have been wanting to wear this pretty plaid dress from Stranger Bird Vintage ever since I got it (along with this gorgeous bohemian dress), but it needs a little bit of tailoring. Which I knew when I chose it, but uh… girl should have known better. I’m SO bad at fixing the clothing I get right away, and I’ll admit that I’ve had skirts sit in my “hem” pile for six months. Hemming literally takes like ten minutes.

So I’m quite glad that being pregnant has helped fill the dress out a little more, along with this belt, because I’m not sure where my sewing machine is any more and today was the perfect day for a vintage plaid dress. The sun is shining, my flower crown was calling, and I decided I could just make this work without tailoring it for now.   Lately I’ve been feeling like I really need to step it up with eating healthy and taking (easy) walks every day that I can. It’s crazy how even in accepting the changes in my body, this pregnancy is super different from the last one. I did start out 10lbs heavier this time around, which makes it harder. Starting out 10lbs heavier and then having gained 10lbs during the last 17 weeks means I’m already nearing the max weight of my first pregnancy. I don’t feel like I look any heavier than I did last time, but the numbers and the way my pants fit are telling me I am.

The thing I have the hardest time with is breakfast and lunch. By the time I get Asa fed, I’m far too lazy to make myself food as well, and I really, really need to just find meals to put together that will feed both of us instead of two separate things for him and for me. I also go the easy route these days feeding him — there’s been a lot of oatmeal for his breakfast lately, which I can’t eat.

I know part of it is just laziness — however excusable that is, being pregnant and chasing around a 14 month old — but the other part is truly the fact that I still have a LOT of food aversions and on a day to day basis, my stomach’s preferences change. Some days, veggies and fruits sound fantastic. Other days, they make me queasy. I swear, if this child is not a girl, I will be shocked.

So I think I will try focusing more on getting myself moving on a daily basis, whether by taking a walk in the sun or by doing a good prenatal yoga routine on the rainy days, and limiting the “bad” foods to an actual serving size instead of, you know, the entire bag of M&M’s. (Okay, I haven’t done that yet. But it sounds really good.)

Dress, c/o Stranger Bird Vintage | flower crown, self-made | belt and shoes, thrifted

I definitely don’t think being pregnant gives me the “right” (or whatever you want to call it) to eat whatever I want. I mean, we don’t suddenly become garbage disposals once we’re gestating. But with food aversions and cravings, I believe it’s definitely okay to give yourself some leeway while pregnant; when you actually cannot stomach anything but ice cream, it’s better to just eat the ice cream than starve, you know?

Mental health is important, too.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! Happy Thursday!

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