Vintage Military Wedding Ideas — Real Wedding Inspiration

By Claire

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Sara and Dave, and my huge thanks to Jamie from Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy for shar­ing the wed­ding pho­tos on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog for us all to enjoy this morning.

Have a lovely day every­one! Claire xxx

Vin­tage mil­i­tary wed­ding style ideas — Sara & Dave

Ideas for styling your own vin­tage wed­ding with a mil­i­tary influence

  • Begin with the colours of your mil­i­tary uni­form as a base for your venue styling
  • Use old maps for table plans and table numbers
  • Vin­tage suit­cases have a nos­tal­gic feel to them — add flow­ers and pretty dec­o­ra­tions to jazz them up (but resist paint­ing them white!)
  • Incor­po­rate vin­tage but­tons with your flow­ers and sta­tionery (see my blog post from Kirstie Allsopp’s vin­tage wed­ding)
  • Save money by being thrifty — post war wed­dings weren’t extrav­a­gant, just made with love!