Vintage & Lavender Wedding Inspiration Board

By Claire

I’ve blogged their vin­tage wed­ding in Der­byshire over the last two days. I didn’t want the blog fea­tures to end! So I’ve even kept some of Nicola’s wed­ding report back for you today.

In the table set­ting, each per­son had one of the 130 vin­tage cup and saucers that I had been col­lect­ing over the last year from car boot sales, flea mar­kets and a good pro­por­tion from a lit­tle man on Por­to­bello rd market!

I then dot­ted around the old jars and bot­tles, con­tain­ing plain bunches of sweet peas and babysbreath.

The cen­tral flower dec­o­ra­tion on each table was in a vin­tage jug and was made up of ‘meadow type’ flow­ers. Place set­tings were made up of bunches of dried laven­der with lug­gage tags with names on.

I had made indi­vid­ual ration books for peo­ple with the menu on. We wanted all Eng­lish ingre­di­ents, so we served veni­son with tar­ragon jelly and onion rings, belly pork for main and local Bakewell pud­ding for dessert.”

See the full sized wed­ding inspi­ra­tion board on the Eng­lish Wed­ding face­book page

Thank you again to York­shire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Andy Hook for the submission.