Viña Rock Contest 2014

Posted on the 20 February 2014 by Metal Wind @MetalWind1

Hello Metalheads! Finally the Viña Rock Contest 2014 is closed up and Aphelium band finished in first place. This is a fantastic Symphonic Power Metal band from Venezuela, which MetalWind has been supporting, and it will be able to perform in this important Spanish festival in May of the current year. In the second place there is Punto y Final, another fantastic Metal band from Spain, which also we will can enjoy in the Viña Rock Festival 2014 on May, and I also send greetings to Los Chicos de La Lluvia, they are another band in the contest which will be the in the festival. Greetings and congratulations to all.

I know there were in the contest a lot of great bands participating and many of you may ask why MetalWind has supported Aphelium from Venezuela, if there are many Spanish bands in the contest, and MetalWind is a site from Spain?

Ok, in the first place it was impossible for me to check all bands in the contest and I was starting MetalWind’s site with some bands that I discovered and I was dedicating my time to post these bands.

But, I think this is a simply question which I’m going to explain, when Joan Pabón (Aphelium’s vocalist) contacted me via Facebook I was starting my humble online project to support Metal bands called MetalWind. Joan added me as a friend and we have been talking. He told me about his band Aphelium, which was an unknown Metal band for me. He invited me to listen his band and I did it, and really I liked Aphelium!

Then I shared Aphelium’s music on MetalWind’s fan page on Facebook and Joan told me that Aphelium was participating in a contest to take the opportunity to play in Spain. “Oh, that is fantastic!”, I said. Joan and I continued talking and I said him that I could make a post introducing Aphelium band in MetalWind and also I could make a banner to vote in the Viña Rock Contest 2014.

We have been talking for a long time in these four months and Joan and me are in contact beyond borders and nationalities or countries, I think it’s not important were are you from, I just believe in good music and I think Aphelium is a great band, this is the most important for me.

At this moment, I’m in contact with a lot of bands and I discovered that some of them were participating in the Viña Rock Contest 2014, this not means nothing, I know they are fantastic bands and they are a great discovering for me, of course, and I will support and promote them in MetalWind with pleasure, but Joan Pabón and Aphelium have been in contact with me these months, and all those bands were unknown until now. Perhaps some of them were known for me or I already had listened them, but I wasn’t in contact with them or those bands never had contacted with me and their participating in the contest was unknown for me.

I have to say that one band which was participating in the Viña Rock Contest is personally known for me and recently I have known the participation of these guys in the contest, but the contest has finished and they never told me that they were participating and never contacted with MetalWind, and I have never known their participation in the contest till now. These guys and I have a good relationship, but sometimes if there is not communication, we can’t know all about bands and what they are doing each moment, and the supporting simply is not coming, due to poor knowledge that I have about of current projects of the band.

Definitively, I think there are a lot of amazing bands around the world and it’s a pleasure for MetalWind to support and help them, and Aphelium has crossed in the path of MetalWind and it was welcome and supported.

For that reason, I would like that no one should feel offended or disappointed, all Metal bands are welcome in MetalWind and they will be supported. To all Metal bands: Feel free to contact and show me your music, this is the only way to know you and give you help and support from MetalWind!

Finally, I invite you to take a look to all official bands in the Viña Rock Festival 2014 and I send greetings to all bands in the contest, you are welcome in MetalWind.

I send especially greetings to Aphelium and see you soon in Villarrobledo, my friends!!

Thank you and see you soon in MetalWind!