View from Our Mobile Office -- Coyote!

By Jshortell @servicepoodle

Maeve's been urine-marking over coyote stools on the side of the campground's road for days now. The other night I saw a coyote trotting up the hill toward our campsite and shooed Maeve into the van. Yesterday a pair of them sauntered by at midday.  I'm a little concerned that she's "pissed them off."
Joanne Shortell, Maeve's Service Human
call us using "call Maeve and Joanne" at
Joanne Shortell, Maeve's Service Human We would LOVE to speak to your group free of charge
Joanne and Maeve (her psychiatric service poodle) help people with psychiatric disabilities discover their rights to emotional support animals in no-pets housing without pet deposits or pet fees and their rights to service dogs