Video: True Blood Stars’ Upcoming Film Projects

Posted on the 03 September 2011 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

Just because True Blood’s Season 4 is coming to an end doesn’t mean you have to wait until next season to see your favorite stars on screen. The actors have been hard at work on non-vampire related film projects that will be coming out later this year.

Anna Paquin (Sookie) will be staring in Margaret, playing a high school student who “may or may not have caused a fatal bus crash.” This movie was filmed five years ago and its release has been delayed, because writer and director Kenneth Lonergan couldn’t pick a final version of the film that he was content with. Is it a good sign that the film has gone unreleased for five years? You’ll have to see it and decide for yourself. The film also stars Matt Damon, Mark Ruffalo and Allison Janney.

Rutina Wesley (Tara) has recently won a role in Immaculée Ilibagiza’s memoir Left to Tell, about the genocide in Rwanda. Sounds promising, but Wesley is always playing such serious roles, maybe one day she’ll star in a comedy!

Last but not least, Alexander Skarsgård (Eric) has a few movies coming out in the coming months. The True Blood vampire will be appearing in What Maisie Knew with Julianne Moore. Skarsgård is also in Straw Dogs with James Marsden and ex-girlfriend Kate Bosworth. Finally, the actor will be starring in Battleship, a film based on the classic board game, costarring Rihanna.

With so many films coming out True Blood fans will have plenty to keep them busy until Season 5. What movies will have you heading to the theaters and which will have you staying at home watching reruns of True Blood? Watch the video and let us know in the comment section below.

Source - Wetpaint: Roundup of the True Blood Cast’s Upcoming Movies

(Photos: HBO)