Nathan reveals there is a period piece coming up for him but wasn’t able to elaborate on this role any more than that. So once we find out more, you will be the first to know! As for True Blood, Nathan couldn’t disclose any spoilers on the finale this Sunday, however, he did reveal that he thought True Blood ended perfectly – what ever that means.
Access Hollywood also bought up the fact that Nathan’s character, James is in a gay relationship with True Blood stalwart, Lafayette. They were glad to see that being a gay character no longer holds the stigma it used to on television. This in part is thanks to shows like True Blood who never shy away from complicated or difficult subject matter.
Make sure you watch the video below to find out just where Nathan has been on a road trip to recently as well:
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Source: Access Hollywood – Nathan Parsons on Saying Goodbye to ‘True Blood’
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)