Video of the Week

Posted on the 14 April 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

It’s Sunday still in my part of the world, and I am taking this edition of Video of the Week on a detour to the serious side.

Because, while I was hopeful for a True Blood promo before tonight’s Game of Thrones, I am no longer surprised that it seems the powers that be are in “radio silence” when it comes to the True Blood fans leading up to the season.. or anything really. Hurt yes, surprised no.

Then I remind myself of a time when they and the cast joined together and told everyone “It gets better”.

I know, not our typical Video of the Week fare.

But these videos have made an impact on many lives. As an active member of the fandom, I have seen the comments where these PSAs from the True Blood cast have helped save lives over the past few years.

These videos may be from 2011, the message is just as important today as it was then.

Spread the word… It gets better.