“The fans are really incredibly sweet. Some of them are afraid of me because Pam is so scary, [laughs] which is kind of a compliment.”
Kristin was actually filming Subject: I Love You when she got the call that she was starting True Blood. She literally finished her shoot, flew seventeen hours, and got her fang-fitting for the role of Pam.
As for how Kristin keeps in such great shape, she was quick to point out that it all comes down to what you eat, how much of it you eat, and how much you exercise. She has just started P90X, which is a fitness regime. She also does ballet to keep fit.
You can check out the interview in its entirety below:
Source: YouTube – Kristin Bauer talks about True Blood and Keeping Fit – Subject I Love You After Party (Pacific Rim Video Press)
(Photo Credit: HBO, Inc.)