Video Diary 3 of Student and London Life

By Littlebckpacker @littlebckpacker

Video diary week three. This week was a rather ‘boring’ week and I didn’t feel like I had much to say, I mean I even struggled to talk as you will see from the out takes at the end of the video. As I filmed it I did come to realize my week wasn’t so boring as I crammed in a road trip to Birmingham to see Ed Sheeran, made a start of my essays due in – in December like a geek and have been enjoying cycling to uni as I received my bike from my parents. I also filmed this after two days of being in the flat doing not very much and think I might have gone a bit stir crazy in my boredom – seriously not made to be a student, someone give me a job?

I did however announce that if you want to keep up to date with all my vblogs then you need to subscribe to my youtube channel. I will still be sharing them via all things social but I won’t be putting them up on the blog every week. I have too many things to talk about far more travel related but am loving doing the vblogs too much to stop. So if you have enjoyed them too, then please subscribe!

Tags:  Life London University Video