Video: Continuity of Consciousness

By Luphil

The French and German versions of my new video just went online, the English version was done a few days ago: “Wisdom Teachings: Continuity of Consciousness” is from the series done on the basis of texts from the Lunar Messenger. The text is also available in html-form on the WTT website.

About the content:

Those who have once had an out-of-body experience are no longer afraid of death because they know that they will not die when they leave the body. The mundane identity is always mortal, whereas the supra-mundane identity as soul is immortal. The soul is the ‘solar principle’. As solar principles we continue to exist, and we take on bodies again and again, life after life. The continuity of identity is maintained. To acquire this knowledge, we were born with a physical body on earth…

My elder brother Winfried gave me access to his archives of fantastic pics he took while he still could do bicycle tours – he went into the solitudes of Scandinavia and other countries. I used some of his pics for the video, besides finds from my own huge photo archives.

The video was done, like the last ones, with a layout developed for the Friends of the World Teacher Trust, and it was also published on the Friends of WTT YouTube channel.