[VIDEO] Bill O’reilly Vs. Jon Stewart on White Privilege | LNC – Live News Cloud Stream

Posted on the 19 October 2014 by Rfschatten @RFSchatten
By RF Schatten
"Whiteness is, variously, a metaphor for power, a proxy for racially distributed material benefits, a synonym for "white supremacy," an epistemological stance defined by power, a position of invisibility or ignorance, and a set of beliefs about racial "Others" and oneself that can be rejected through 'treason' to a racial category" ~~ Historian Eric ArnesenWe have reached the stage in our national discourse, which should have been addressed long ago...our American Society and the lightning fast changes in our Cultures. Too many things happening all at once in our way of life, with our population evenly exploited by all political sides...some more than others...though, most by one side's degenerate and indecent political campaign tactics and agenda.It's about time we discuss something that's really, extremely vital, and at the heart of the core of these elections...the disparity gap in our societal classes...financially and socially. And the constant evolution of our culture...not understood by everyone, or in self-denial about the realities of life...stop living in the fab 50s! time marches on! Sony don't sell cheap transistor radios anymore, High Definition Color is the new Black & White, and June Cleaver is dead."White Privilege"...whether you agree with O'Reilly or with Stewart...nothing would benefit this Country more, than a good, healthy, civil discourse on what really divides our Nation. And when you speak about white privilege, much of the debate will eventually, turn to the topic of "American Exceptionalism".American Exceptionalism has been the theory exploited to the masses as Patriotic...based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, populism and laissez-faire. We're not that exceptional, anymore! Exceptionalism is the arrogance used by Wealth and the Aristocracy over all others, for centuries. Today, we have those who believe in their own exceptionalism and exclusivities...and who want to turn our current economic system more into a Laissez-faire Economy. A Ruling Class Society in the 21st Century?....we're not a 3rd World Country...Only in America!
[VIDEO] Bill O’reilly vs. Jon Stewart on White Privilege | LNC – Live News Cloud Stream