
Posted on the 28 October 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Vidang an Ayurvedic medicinal substance. Most of the Himalayan regions of India, the mountainous regions of southern India and its trees are also found along with Nepal, China and Pakistan. Its trees are also seen in the areas of Sri Lanka and Singhpur. Vidang is considered an excellent anthelmintic. There are specific useful medicines in diseases like abdominal worm, agnimandha, adman, gharwani, cola and pomegranate.

It is found mainly in the Central Himalayan regions of India and at an altitude of 1500 m in Meghalaya, in the lower hilly regions of the Konkan, South India and other north-eastern states. It has been planned in the worms, leprosy etc. gangs of Charaksamhita and in Sursadi and Pippalyadi gangs of Sushruta Samhita Acharya Sushruta has calculated Vidangtail in Shirovirechan. Its fruits are used in medicine. The fruits are small, round, 3-4 mm in diameter, smooth, fleshy, light blood in color, black in color and the seeds are single, round, white in color.

Its fruit is mostly used in medicinal use, but root is also used in many places. The fruits are round and small in the form of bunches in the form of bunches, which become red on ripening and black on drying. Due to the fact that the fruits are like black pepper, they make the pepper feel. Its addresses are up to 3 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. They are pointed and oval in shape. The full white or cyan of the branches remain in the form of bunches in the advance areas of the branches.

Fruit contains ambelic acid, embelin and flyable oil.

Juice - hard and bitter

Qualities - incisive, harsh and short.

Vipak - katu

Botanical name:

Embelia ribes Burm.f. (Ambilia ribes) Syn-Antidesma ribes (Burm. F.) Raeuscb.

Total: Myrsinaceae (Myrsinaceae)

English name: Embelia

Sanskrit-Chitra, Jantunashan, Krimiripu, Krimihar, Krimihrut, Insect, Insect, Krimighati, Krimijit, Vel, Amogha, Tandul, Krimighna, Chitratandul; Hindi-Byvidang, Babirang, Bhasi; Oriya-Bidongo; Kannada-Vayubalinga, Vayuvidang, Vaybilang; Gujarati-Karkannie, Bawding, Vasding, Vayuvidang; Tamil-Vayulangam; Telugu-Vayuvidaghmu; Bengali-Bhai-Birrung, Birang, Vidang; Nepali-Vayvidang, Himalcheri; Punjabi-Babrung, Babrang, Vabrang; Marathi-Bavadinga, Bayvirang, Karkanni; Malayalam-Vilal, Vijhal.

English-White flower embelia; Arabic-Birangi-i-kabuli; Persian-Birangi-i-kabuli

Uses or benefits of Vidang

In Ayurvedic medicine, Vidanga is used in the treatment of the following diseases.

1. Vidang is used prominently in Ayurveda for stomach worms. All types of worms such as roundworms, threadworms and tapeworms can be easily treated with its use.

2. It is also useful in removing the impurities of the blood due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as taking out toxins from the body.

Digestion is cured with the use of vindangadi powder and relieves the problem of agnus.

3. Vidang has antifungal and antibacterial properties which prove it beneficial in skin disorders.

4. It also proves beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.

5. Vidang is known to have anti-venereal properties, that is, its use destroys head defects. In Ayurveda, shandu oil and atom oil are the auxiliary drugs.

Vidang addresses are used in mouth ulcers and throat disorders.

6. It also reduces excess body fat. That is why it is used as Medohar medicine.

By Ayurvedic opinion, vidang charpara, bitter, hot, beneficial, mild, lightening of gastritis and vata, phlegm, mandagni, anorexia, confusion, worm (stomach pain due to worm), chaos, stomach diseases, spleen , Indigestion, Breathing, Cough, Heart Disease, Poison Disorders, Mango, Stool, Obesity and relieves Dandruff.

Vidang is considered a multi-valued commodity within the Indian system of medicine because of its anthelmintic properties. In Maharishi Sushruta Samhita, he invented a drug called "Sarvottagam Shamani", by combining two drugs, which are the greatest anthelmintic and the greatest vitality. In the preface of this medicine, the above Maharshi writes that - Vata, Pitta, Kapha, etc., due to physical defects and Sattva, Raja, Tama, etc., due to mental defects and by nature indulgent conduct, all those who cause nuisance are born.

Agnimandya, anorexia, indigestion, vomiting, colic, pustule and hemorrhoids are given along with vivoid whey. In the diarrhea and sprue, they make the boiling of the boiling water. Sometimes cough and breathing occur in indigestion. Then we give vidang with peepal.

.*Ayurvedic properties and effects

Vidang is bitter, bitter, astringent, hot, short, dry, sharp, expectorant, light, digestive, palatable, anthelmintic, leprous, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory.

It is beneficial in worm disease, colic, epilepsy, stomach disease, constipation, poisoning, arthritis, indigestion, anorexia, bhanti, colic, sore throat, gonorrhea, sepsis, heart disease, cough, catarrh and shortness of breath etc.

Its fruits are diuretic, diuretic, hemorrhagic, anthelmintic, columnar and aerating.

The pulp of its fruit is laxative.

The fruit-tone is diuretic and mild laxative.

Its seeds are antipyretic and expectorant.

Medicinal Uses

1. By giving (1-2 drops) of Siddha Ghrita (1-2 drops) of sarorog-mulethi, vyavidnga, bhringraj and dry ginger and milk of siddha, it is beneficial for many types of diseases, fall of hair and teeth, vision impairment (eye weakness) etc.

Taking sneeze of equal powder of Vidang Tandul and Black Sesame, by sneezing, eradication of defects, quenching of half-sepsis etc.

The use of the head with the oil of proven mustard oil from wood, cow urine, manasila and sulfur is the mitigation of the Shirogat external virus (yuca etc. / lice, nit).

2. Kas (cough) -Vidung, rock salt, ginger, dry ginger, marich, pepper, roasted asafetida in ghee and pure mana powder mixed with honey and ghee in the intake of Kas (cough), breathing (asthma) and Hicca (hiccup) disease Mitigation occurs.

3. Kas-shans- Taking 1-3 grams of Vidgadi powder (vidang, dry ginger, rasna, pippali, asafoetida, rock salt, bharangi and yavakshar) along with ghee, kaphaj and gourd kas-shans, hikka, agnimandya (loss of appetite) Disease is also suppressed.

4. Eradication of stomach worms is done by consuming 1-2 grams of vermillion powder with honey or by using proven and gentle mixed mixed yavagu from vidang, pippalimool, horseradish, marich and takra.

5. Abdominal worms are destroyed by taking 2-4 grams of ginger butter with rock salt or sugar.

Make a roti by adding 274 grams of wheat powder in wheat flour, after drinking bread mixed with powder of Pippali in kanji or takra, drinking it helps to reduce stomach worms.

6. Kamala (jaundice) - Giving both pudding and pippali together and grinding it in water and using it like a bunny and anjan is beneficial in Kamala (jaundice).

7. Leprosy (leprosy) - Grind the mixed root of Kaner root and Viddag seed with cow urine and apply it on the leprosy affected limb, and bathing, washing and abhyang (massage) etc. are beneficial in leprosy.

The use of Vidarishta- 15-20 ml Vidarishta is beneficial in diseases like Darun Vidaridhi, Urustambha, Ashmari (stone), Prameha, Bhagandar, Gandmala and Hanustambh.

8. Dermatology (skin diseases) -Swarnakshari, Vingg, Hingul, Gandhak, Chakramard Seed, Kootha and Sindoor, take all these substances in equal quantity in first Dhatura Patraksha, later in Nimbpatrasvaras and finally in Tambul Patra-Swaras. By doing this, there is benefit in pama, Dadru (itching), Vicharchika, Kandu and Raksa.

9 Rasayana- By taking 1-2 gm of wadge seed powder and liquorice powder for one month with cold water, honey-containing dry milk (20 ml) or honey with amla swar (10 ml) or giloy decoction (20-25 ml) and digested On the use of melted rice and salt-free moong and gooseberry amalgam, the piles and hemorrhoids are quenched and chemical properties are enhanced.

Consuming 1-2 grams of ginger, pure Bhilava and dry ginger powder in the morning every morning provides chemical properties without disease and old age.

10. Soil-Poison- If the ground-toxin is contaminated, the poisonous effect is destroyed by mixing the powder of Bambi soil, water, Patha and Katabhi in milk or by spraying it on the ground.

Quantity: Arishta 15-20 ml. 172 grams of seed powder. Seed decoction 10-15 ml or as per doctor's consultation.

Side effects and intake

Vidang can be taken from 1 to 6 grams according to the doctor's instructions. Its fruit is used in Ayurvedic medicinal use. Vidangadi churna, Vidangadi iron, Vidangarishta, Haritakyadi yoga, Kramimudgar rasa, etc. are made by the use of Vidang Dravya.

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