Victim No More

Posted on the 25 November 2012 by Uglytruthis

Dear Abuser,

I remember at 6 years old, sitting on the floor of the bathtub wondering why I couldn’t wash the dirty feelings away with the bubbles. I was just a little girl… How could YOU!! As children we are supposed to enjoy the simplicity of innocence. Innocence is defined as a lack of guilt or corruption; purity.

You try to buy my love and your sins away with gifts.  Your money doesn’t compensate from the innocence you stolen from me! You sold your soul to the devil the moment you stepped into my room. You forced a little girl to grow up too fast. You filled my mind with ugly lies.

Victim Thinking

  • If I was a better person this wouldn’t have happened
  • I must be bad
  • This is all my fault
  • there must be something wrong with me
  • If other people really knew who I was or whats been done they would hate me
  • I am so embarrassed of myself
  • I am defective

Well guess what? You are the liar. These lies must be put into perspective. This abuse was not my fault and it is equally as abusive to continue to blame myself for things that I couldn’t control. I must choose to  forgive and nurture my childhood soul back to health. I am no longer defined by my abuse, I am a strong survivor.

They say one must forgive and forget a fault. I can try to forgive you (I certainly am working on that process) but I will NEVER, not EVER forget.

Yours Truly,

Inner Child

It really helps to come to terms with your emotions through the art of writing. Feel free to join me in writing your own version of a letter to the predator. I hope you too can find release in expressing your pain.

In the end I want to see this ugly circumstance turned into something beautiful and help stop human trafficking. This is my dream.

Stay tuned for more insight and ideas and as always, stay strong my lovely survivor friends<3 

Your not alone