Vicariously Jane Interviews Yours Truly

By Mariagrazia @SMaryG

My friends and regular readers know almost everything about me and my virtual life, my interests and passions, my "one weakness" and great enthusiasm for him (yes, my one weakness is a HE!) ,  so why should they read my interview on Vicariously Jane or on Carolyn Crist's Daily Pages ?Well, because ... I'd love to meet them there? Because they are supposed to be kindly interested and supportive  as they are my friends? Because I'll be extremely disappointed if they didn't? Because I'd be terribly sorry for my lady host? All the above.
Joking invitations (or threats???) apart, I'll wait for you there, all of you, both those who know me well and those who want to discover more. Well, there's very little to discover,actually. I'm "plain, obscure, poor and little" as one of my favourite heroines! ;-) But maybe tough and strong-willed as she is.  Just click the links above and join Carolyn Crist and me on her blogs. Thank you!