Vet's Guns Confiscated While US Army ADMITS Prep For War In 'Megacities'! Conspiracy Theory No Longer! What Do They Know That We Don't Know?

Posted on the 06 January 2015 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Live Free or Die, via All News PipeLine

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This brand new story just released by the Army Times confirms what was once called 'conspiracy theory' as the US Army has come straight out to admit they are preparing for war in megacities.: "Megacities are the new battleground." For several years now the alternative media has sounded the sirens by putting out story after story as city after city has been taken over by Army 'martial law' drills, only to have their warnings drowned out as 'fear porn' and worse. With this latest story excerpted below, those cries of 'fear porn' can be put to rest as the US Army OBVIOUSLY KNOWS something that we don't know. The videos below tell the tale in more depth, including important new information about what they're NOW doing to US Veterans re. gun confiscation and a Jason A video called "What Will Happen To America In 2015? Scary Events Around The World" but first, directly from Army Times linked above.:
When the Army looks to the future, it sees cities. Dense, sprawling, congested cities where criminal and extremist groups flourish almost undetected by authorities, but who can influence the lives of the population while undermining the authority of the state.
And the service is convinced that these “megacities” of 20 million or more people will be the battleground of the future.
According to Truth and Action, these actions by the US Army will most likely be taken against American citizens and within American cities.:
With Obama having completely opened up our southern border and allowing terrorists to enter, as confirmed by congressional reports, isn’t not to difficult to imagine that these preparations could be for our cities here at home.
Once hostilities commence, ‘domestic terrorists’ will be lumped in with jihadists and hunted down.
Last year, Eric Holder declared a new task force for domestic terrorists, while a recent survey of local law enforcement revealed that  the ‘sovereign citizen’ is now considered the top domestic terror threat – even above Islamist extremists.

While the Army prepares for war in the megacities, they're also taking away guns from US Vets as shared in the brand new video below from Alex Jones who shares the story of a Vet who lost his guns after seeking treatment for insomnia.