Vesak Poya – The Festival of Lights

By Vikasacharya

Vesak is known as the festival of light, a very appropriate name since almost all the decorations are in the form of illuminations. Vesak or Wesak,  commemorates the three most important milestones in the life of Gautama Buddha – His birth, enlightenment and Parinirvana (Nirvana after death).

Visiting the Temple is an important part of the Vesak Poya day activities of every Buddhist family. Young and old alike offer flowers and light oil lamps, with many observing sil all day. Buddhists in Sri Lanka spend the Vesak Poya day engaged in meditation and meritorious deeds, as it is considered appropriate to make a special effort to assist those in need and bring happiness to others during one’s lifetime. It is not a time for fulfilling one’s own desires. Instead Buddhists endeavor to pay homage to Lord Buddha by decorating Temples, creating beautiful decorations depicting scenes from His life and offering prayers of worship.

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