Very Quick Movie Review: The Forger

Posted on the 10 May 2014 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

Starring: Josh Hutcherson, Lauren Bacall, Alfred Molina, Hayden Panettiere, Billy Boyd, Tricia Helfer, Jansen Panettiere, Jose Zuniga, Dina Eastwood, Scott Eastwood

Directed By: Lawrence Roeck

I’m not sure this movie went to theatres, anywhere, ever. It’s pretty awful. Josh Hutcherson delivers the most inconsistent performance I’ve seen in years. Lauren Bacall and Alfred Molina were somehow blackmailed into this film, and Hayden Panettiere… I guess she shot this before Nashville, and maybe she needed money.

It’s worse than a Lifetime Original Movie. It’s worse than a Hallmark Hall Of Fame movie. It feels almost abandoned, and then put together because someone was like “Hey, we’ve got a great cast, who gives a fuck if the movie is awful.”

It’s on Netflix, and there is no redeemable reason to watch this film. Not that Lauren Bacall or Alfred Molina are bad in the film, but if you want to watch it because they are in it, and you’re a fan… it will actually pain you more to see them wasted in this piece of trash. The quality is almost as if ION started making original movies, or some B-level cable network that has no idea how to make original programming. HGTV or something.